
  • Using electromagnetic articulography with a tongue lateral sensor to discriminate manner of articulation.
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(1), EL57-EL63.
    Katz, W. F., Mehta, S., Wood, M., & Wang, J. (2017).
  • Auditory–motor interactions in pediatric motor speech disorders: Neurocomputational modeling of disordered developmentAbstract
    H. Terband, B. Maassen, F.H. Guenther, J. Brumberg
    Available online 21 January 2014, Journal of Communication Disorders In Press, Corrected Proof — Note to users
  • Discussion of recent methodological developments for the AG501 (PDF)
    Hoole, Phil – Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
    The PDF in the following link is an expanded version of material presented at the Carstens workshop during the ISSP 2014 meeting in Cologne. It covers four main topics:

    1. Comparison of the performance of AG500 and AG501
    2. Review of procedures for factoring out head movement
    3. A new approach to determining what data smoothing is appropriate
    4. Implementation of a twin-EMA system

    Referenced movie demos and additional presentations


Publications 2007 (PDF)


维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学M. Bertsch教授(奥地利)与德国慕尼黑大学P. Hoole博士合作出版了一些引人入胜的电影,使用AG501可视化小号和单簧管演奏的慢动作舌头运动 。

Trumpet: Trumpet Tonguing 7:17 分钟
Clarinet: Clarinet Tonguing
Clarinet Tonguing (short version)
24:27 分钟
1:06 分钟


    • Ben Maassen, B.; van Lieshout, P.: Speech Motor Control


    • Engelke,W.
      Grundlagenuntersuchung zur velophonyngealen Artikulationsmotorik
      Habilitationsschrift Göttingen 1991
    • Gröne, B., Hoch, G., Schoenle, P.W.:
      Die Elektromagnetische Artikulographie (EMA)- dynamische Analyse und Wiedergabe von Sprechbewegungen auf dem Computerschirm.
      In: Roth, M. (Hrsg.): Computer in der Sprachtherapie
      -Neue Wege. Sprachtherapie 7.
      Narr, Tuebingen 1992, 113-124.
    • Gröne, B:
      Physiologische, aerodynamische und akustische Verfahren in der Dysarthriediagnostik.
      In Ziegler, W., M. Vogel,. B. Gröne, H. Schröter-Morasch:
      Dysarthrie. Grundlagen-Diagnostik- Therapie.
      Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, vorraussichtliche Seitenzahlen 71-96
    • Hulstijn: Speech production: Motor control, brain research, and fluency disorders
    • van Lieshout: Motor planning and articulation in fluent speech of stutterers and nonstutterers
    • Ponte Alessandro
      Elektromagnetische Untersuchung zur Koordination und Bewegungsmorphologie von Zunge und Unterkiefer beim Sprechvorgang des Zahnlosen
      Medizinische Dissertation, Göttingen
    • Proceedings: ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Production Modeling
    • Proceedings: ACCOR Workshop on Electromagnetic Articulography in Phonetic Research
    • Rietveld, A.C.M. & Van Heuven, V.J. Algemene fonetiek
    • Schiller, N.O. (1997).
      The role of the syllable in speech production.
      Evidence from lexical statistics, metalinguistics, masked priming, and electromagnetic midsagittal articulograhpy.
      PhD dissertation, Nijmegen University.
    • Schönle: Elektromagnetische Artikulographie